Jungle Dance is a celebration of authenticity


Jungle Dance serves as a transformative journey, undoing past conditioning that is no longer serving you, unraveling limited beliefs that hold you back, shedding the layers of falseness to reveal the realness of who you naturally are, freeing yourself to live a liberated life.

I injured my shoulder surfing and could no longer practice vinyasa yoga the way I had before. After hearing from the surgeon that the full rotator muscle tear was impossible to repair. I let go of what was, to what is; by focusing on what I could do. Out flowed free-form intuitive movement that dropped me into a meditative state of bliss. I have never believed in anything in my entire life as I believe in this primal movement I call "Jungle Dance"! I began sharing with students on Exhale Yoga Retreats and witnessed that they too began shifting from limitation to liberation! 

From so many requests I am offering Jungle Dance Retreats, as well as Trainings for those intrigued to guide their own Jungle Dances to their community. I am now also offering live Zoom Jungle Dance Classes and in-person classes in Uluwatu Bali where I currently live. Get in touch with me if you are ready to connect deeper to your true nature. 

Moving from limitation to liberation 

about the practice

The Benefits




MIND - Mental benefits:
Jungle Dancing reduces levels of the body's stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of dopamine, endorphins, like serotonin, in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators thus making you happier.

BODY - Physical benefits:
Jungle Dance is a cardio exercise that you enjoy burning calories, so no need to beat yourself up to lose weight. Jungle Dancing melts fat even around those stubborn parts like stomach & thighs. Jungle Dancing increases your confidence in your shape, size & color. Embracing yourself just the way you are.

SOUL – Spiritual benefits:
Jungle Dance offers a safe space for you to go on a healing journey allowing tension to slide off, past trauma to release and for your nervous system to regulate. It is a soulful experience that immerses you in the present moment, fostering a deep connection to your spirit and cultivating a sense of trust.

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This easy-to-use platform makes it accessible for you to experience Jungle Dance conveniently from the comfort of your living space to nurture your nature.

Online Classes

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This is an intuitive free-form movement class set to mindful music. No dance experience needed and no choreography. Doesn’t matter what you look like; it’s all about how you feel. 

In-Person Classes

Join the movement

What is Jungle Dance?

These precious participants share in their own words.

Stewart Iguidez

“In the Jungle Dance I felt inspired to move my body however it wanted to move, tuning into my intuition and connected to my inner truth.”

Thaila Laudy

“Wow! I don't think you can express it in words because it’s more a feeling! I was encouraged to listen to my body and guided on how to follow my intuition. I was able to shake off self critical thoughts and express myself freely from the essence of my being. It’s a feeling of complete liberation!”

Ash Chavez

“In the Jungle Dance I felt an incredible sense of connection – not just with myself and the vibrant community around me. The atmosphere is both invigorating and welcoming, creating a space where I felt free to explore and express myself in any way around others felt very empowering.”

Sarah Parker

“I do not consider myself a “dancer”, but in the Jungle Dance I was dancing free like a child again in a non-judgemental space and it felt truly liberating!”

Kayla Arnold

“Jungle Dancing gets me out of my mind, from overthinking and into being present in my body feeling energized yet calm.”

The jungle cats are saying