Jungle Dance Teacher Training is designed for you to become stronger in who YOU truly are! Practice speaking truthfully from your heart.

Gain confidence to lead your own Jungle Dance classes to inspire people to move past their limitations to liberation! Teach online from home or anywhere in the world and make an income uplifting yourself together with others!

Teacher trainings

Become stronger in who YOU truly are! 

destination training

online training

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Free yourself from your regular routine and fully immerse yourself in the embrace of beautiful nature to connect deeper to yourself and others. Alongside the Jungle Dance Teacher Training, you'll also have the opportunity to indulge in leisure activities such as learning the art of surfing and embarking on adventures to explore natural wonders, all in the company of a small group of like-hearted people in paradise!

10-days, 3hrs per day
May 20-31, Siargao Island

Destination Training

In-person & In-paradise

Contact for schedule in your time zone

Stay cozy from the comfort of your home. This is a fantastic choice especially for those who currently can't travel or take 11 consecutive days off. The online format is strategically spaced out, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into your schedule while maintaining a consistent flow of the experience. Connect with like-hearted individuals from around the world as you join an intimate training group interactive on zoom!

3hr sessions, 2x per week
for 6 weeks (2hrs homework per week)
Begins the beginning of November *exact date depends your time zone

Online Training

Live interactive on Zoom

With Jungle Dance creator: Rachel Wainwright

High Quality | Trainer, Rachel Wainwright, is fully present providing personalized attention and support for each individual within the intimate group. It's very interactive as Rachel is attentively observing then asking intuitive questions to inspire you to empower yourself and awaken you along your journey of self-realization.

Transformational | You will do deep inner work, and it is common for resistance to arise, which blocks your energy from flowing. Rachel, as an energetic empath, naturally feels this and will bring compassionate awareness to it then guide how to move through it. Rachel will discover the unique gifts in you and each person in the group. She will encourage everyone's own authenticity to shine through.

Authentic | Rachel is a master of holding space for a whole group while at the same time making every person feel seen and heard. She has figured out how to teach this art of holding safe and supportive space and is passionate about sharing it.


You are the only you on this entire planet, so why are you trying to be like anyone else? We were born with innate gifts, but society has molded us into conformity. We lose our unique identities in favor of belonging to a false happiness sold to us. Bombarded by advertisements telling us what we need to be happy when happiness has been within us all along.

Do you feel pressure to be more productive? Overwhelmed, feeling you “should” or “have to”? Feeling depleted? Not feeling seen or heard? Do you criticize yourself with negative thoughts? You are not alone. We live in a world that feeds off our insecurities. Now is the time to self-empower and self-express yourself! To allow yourself to be truly authentic, you must be brave enough to be vulnerable and connect to the heart of your being.

The Jungle Dance training provides a safe space for you to be raw and real with guidance from trainer Rachel Wainwright and caring support from all the other like-hearted beings in the intimate group.

Connect to your natural being

You will be given the class design and can curate your playlist from songs in Rachel’s music library. Learn how to create sacred space and make your students comfortable from the moment they walk in, allowing them to be open and trusting.

The training exercises will give you the confidence to be courageous, tap into and express from your heart, follow your own intuition to guide others deeper into their hearts. You will learn to become more aware of when not to say or do anything and allow your students space to have their own intimate experience and practice the art of holding space for others.

Guide others deeper into their hearts

We will drop all the armor we put on to guard ourselves, take off all the fake masks we use to pretend to be something we are not, remove all the labels that cage us.

This training is about shedding the layers of falseness and revealing realness. You will be guided how to let go of limiting beliefs and create new liberating beliefs. So, you can move even deeper towards the core of who you truly are. We will discover all that makes you you. From your born character traits to your life experience, Rachel will ask you direct questions that help you dive deep and discover what makes you rare, turning your wounds into wisdom.

Once we unravel your layers of disguise your innate gifts present themselves and inner wisdom is revealed. When we are being authentic, we can connect deeper to the hearts of others.

Become stronger in who you are

In this training you will learn about the 7 main energy centers, the chakras. How to move blocked energy and open our channels to flow to unleash our creativity. We begin to not only go with the flow - we become the flow.

When trainer Rachel Wainwright observes you in the moment, she will spontaneously invite you to guide intuitively and share whatever wisdom waves through you. You will become more attuned in helping others move their stuck energy within their body through movement, and learn tools to ground yourself and center others.

This training also includes pranayama/breathwork to increase energy, and mantra chanting to steady your mind so you can be in your heart.

Flow freely

Everyone in the group is going through the same process as you, creating a supportive space to open up. At first when you speak truth from your honest heart your voice may shake, your hands may quiver and your heart may pump. It’s messy. But your mess is often your message. What you fear most is often your purpose. You will overcome this fear of speaking vulnerably by practicing it to a partner then the group that is holding a loving space for you as you are in that moment. It’s such a refreshing space to be in.

You are encouraged to draw from your own life experience to inspire others to move past obstacles. You will learn voice techniques to express your own tone, rhythms, and beats in a way that feels genuine to you. Mastering the art of sharing genuinely from your own truthful heart is more powerful than regurgitating what other teachers/leaders say. Do you want to be a person who shares other people's quotes? Or are you ready to share your own heart quotes with others!?! No more being a copycat, it’s time to become a wild cat! Discover how to share your personal story to profoundly enliven and unite others!

Share your heart's truth

We encourage you to share this powerful practice of Jungle Dance in your community and create a sense of belonging with others. Once you have passed the final practicum class exam, you may guide your own Jungle Dance classes. We will then provide you marketing images and content you can share to promote your own Jungle Dance classes, as well as help you create more content on your own.

Guide jungle dances in your community

This is a transformational training to transform you from a domesticated kitten to a fierce jungle cat leader and move around more freely in this wild world! We believe this training is absolutely priceless.

It’s not about the time, it’s all about the value you will receive from this soulful experience. Once you feel your own worthiness, no can ever take that away from you. Self-love is the strongest force. We want you to enjoy that for yourself and share this to others.

Your heart is worthy

Click to read what this training is about:

Discover more

You are the only YOU

▹ Jungle Dance class to embody your most natural self
▹ Moving from society falseness to reveal your realness
▹ Journal prompts to write about your class experience
▹ Exercises to learn how to release stale emotions
▹ Learn how to free form write your hearts truth
▹ Group connection for you to feel part of the group

Session #1

Click to view remaining training content:

Limitation to Liberation

▹ Jungle Dance class to feel freedom
▹ Moving from limitation towards liberation
▹ Journal prompts to unravel your story from limitation to liberation
▹ Exercises to rewrite limited beliefs, old stories, toxic habits/patterns
▹ Learn how to rhythmically speak from your heart beat
▹ Meditation with high vibrational words & music

Session #2

Inner Child Dance

▹ Jungle Dance class guided through earthy and primal movement
▹ Moving from insecurity in your own identity to comfortable being your true self
▹ Journal prompts to uncover personal experiences you had as a child
▹ Exercises to allow your inner child to be expressed and heard
▹ Learn how to protect your energy and set safe supportive sacred space
▹ Mediation to balance the root chakra (Muladhara)

Session #3

Wild with Creativity

▹ Jungle Dance class guided through sensual and fluid movement
▹ Moving from body shame self-criticizing your own appearance
▹ To body acceptance to embrace your sensual sacred sexuality
▹ Journal prompts to write to reclaim your self-worth
▹ Exercises to let go and let your creativity be expressed
▹ Learn the art to guiding intuitive movement
▹ Meditation to balance the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

Session #4

Cultivate Fierce Courage

▹ Jungle Dance class guided through empowering & energetic movement
▹ Moving from low self-esteem worried how other perceive you
▹ To self-empowered confident as your most authentic self
▹ Journal prompts to recover your personal power
▹ Exercises to energetic boost metabolism to lose excess weight
▹ Learn powerful affirmations, breath work, and mantra
▹ Meditation to balance the solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

Session #4

Nurture your Nature

▹ Jungle Dance class guided through nourishing and uplifting movement
▹ Moving from you are not good enough the way you naturally are
▹ To compassion nurturing your nature
▹ Journal prompts to snuggle in more self-love
▹ Exercises to follow your hearts compass & lead from your heart
▹ Learn ways to open your class so students trust you
▹ How to complete class that has students leaving blissful
▹ Meditation to balance the heart chakra (Anahata)

Session #6

Share your Passion

▹ Jungle Dance class opening the throat chakra (Vishuddha)
▹ How to guide your own Jungle Dance guidelines
▹ Teaching tips for in-person and online
▹ How to curate your own Jungle Dance playlist
▹ Ways to grow your like-hearted community
▹ Business & Ethics that aligns with your values
▹ Marketing images, videos & content given
▹ Six + Jungle Dance music playlist given
▹ Meditation for third eye (Ajna) & crown (Sahasrara) chakra

Session #7

▹ You guide your own Jungle Dance!
*This is scheduled with trainer in-between regular training hours
▹ Teaching just for trainer or you are welcome to invite trainees & friends


Emerge to your true potential

Ceremony & Celebration

▹ Jungle Dance final class altogether
▹ Certificate ceremony
▹ Future opportunities with Jungle Dance
▹ Meditation to activate manifesting living your wildest dreams
▹ Celebration dance!

Session #8

Training Content

*Each session is 3-hours with the teacher-trainer. Expect 1-hour of homework after each session.

Ready to join us?

Only 12 people per training!

apply today

Laura Kathryn

"The Jungle Dance Training was about reaching inside and discovering who we are, what we have to offer and being able to breakthrough to find ways to share that with other people. I felt like It was a self discovery journal and it didn’t feel like training. It felt like 5 years of therapy packed into 5 days!" 

Ja Pace

"The Jungle Dance Teacher Training experience is a re-birth!” 

Thaila Laudy

“The Jungle Dance Teacher Training connected me to who I am and gave me the courage to be who I am.”

Pinky Tang

“The Jungle Dance training helped me overcome my shame and feel safe in my body. I felt free to express myself in my own sensual way and gained confidence in myself.”

Alvin Gomez

“This Jungle Dance training inspired me to dig deep to discover more about who I am and I gained confidence to be my authentic self. I am very grateful for this life-changing experience.”

Teachers are saying